Saturday, January 3, 2015

Mini Update - Happy new year!!

Hi friends,

We made it through all the holidays, did you?? This is our family business's busiest time of year and
our first year juggling the busy season, homeschool, pregnancy and a few home renovations all in a very short amount of time! It seems that this season of craziness has come to a resting place, though, and we are ready to return to normal life...until this spring when the baby shows up. :)

I'll admit, after losing a ton of weight and being in the best shape of my adult life, it is kind of hard to go back in the other direction for the better part of a year. I'm not getting wound-up about it, though, because I know post-partum fitness is attainable! This pregnancy, I am focusing on maintaining a (mostly) clean and vegetarian diet, and simply not over eating or binge eating. I am allowing myself grace when it comes to cravings, but not letting them overpower my goal for having a healthy pregnancy. I'm also doing my best to drink more water. That's always been a problem for me in pregnancies past. It's not that I don't love water, I just don't like to be bothered with so many trips to the bathroom so I ignore my fluid intake. I know - bad. bad. bad.

I've had the oddest cravings (for me) this pregnancy... ginger, green beans, lemon meringue pie, carrots, eggs, toothpaste (two different I'm not eating that); and sharp cheeses.

I have also been posting some kid-friendly dinner recipes on my Facebook page and hope to report some of those to you, as well. Let me know what kinds of things you'd like to see and I will add them to our meal plan. :) We also got a new crockpot and waffle maker for Christmas, so hopefully I can post about some fun recipes on that end, soon, as well.

Meanwhile? You *might* want to check your local Costco to see if this Trek Mix is in stock. It is SO MUCH FLAVOR. And? I don't feel bad eating it.

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