Wednesday, March 19, 2014

30-Day Yoga Challenge

Baby even joined in the yoga fun!
Last fall I was doing a good job running and working out; after settling into a full winter of doing nothing but trying to stay away from the freaking polar vortex, baking cookies and wearing 3-5 layers of clothing plus fuzzy slippers each day; while doing so, my bones and muscles retreated to, well, a less than agile state. It's not quite warm enough (for this girl) to start running outside again (I don't even like outside, remember? It has to be just right). While I'm waiting on the sun to show up, I thought I'd start regaining some muscle movement with a 30-Day Yoga Challenge that I found on YouTube. I took Yoga in college (I know; that's an exceptional use of tuition dollars.) and I couldn't believe how much agility I'd lost in the few years following high school that I'd done nothing but go to school, eat lots of food, work lots of hours and hang out with my hubs-to-be. Yoga was great to get back in the program...and much better than those geology classes on my schedule that I wasn't actually going to.

Who doesn't love YouTube, right?! It has everything. Who doesn't love yoga?? It's almost like working out, while napping, but it does actually do something! I mean...I have four kids. Any time I get to close my eyes for more than 30 seconds, I consider it a nap. Zzzzzz....

If you'd like to shake off the winter sludge with me, check out this challenge! I'm only on Day 2 so you can catch up! The best thing about yoga, is can be a pretty inexpensive workout and you can do it at home if you don't have time for classes. You can also do it if you have ZERO flexibility (that's why you do it!) I do want to try Hot Yoga eventually, but making the time to go is difficult. So, I'm aiming for some time this year. :) I think that sounds like an attainable goal...maybe.

If you don't have a yoga mat and you'd like to get something inexpensive just to see if you're actually going to love yoga (and I know you will), try TJ Max for mats, blocks, and towels. Also, getcha' a weighted jump rope while you're at it! I've been pinning jump rope workouts and I'll be blogging those sometime soon, too.

Here's the 30-Day Challenge instructor's FB page:

Here's Day 1 of the challenge:

Let me know if you decide to try it!

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