Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The word is pretty much out anyway...

Back when I started this blog in 2012, we were expecting baby #4. I had just made the transition from Corporate America to stay-at-home-mom. I never expected the Lord would lead me in that direction, but He did and being home with my children has been the biggest (surprising) blessing in my adult life! In fact, I am hanging on to this time as long as possible - because it is precious and it will be behind us before we know it. Last spring we experienced a first-trimester miscarriage. I have had such easy and uneventful pregnancies in the past and I really thought I wouldn't be able to handle that kind of loss. I thought I'd just vaporize into the atmosphere if something like that should happen. The Lord proved otherwise and showed His faithfulness once again. He extended absolute peace to our family during that time and allowed us to tell people about His love and sovereignty as a result of what we were experiencing. In turn, I was able to see His love through all of the people who were praying for us and taking care of us.

At the end of last school year, He put something new and unexpected on our hearts again! We felt lead to begin homeschooling our children. Homeschooling was another avenue way, way, way - I mean across the world - off my radar. I never felt capable, organized enough, grounded enough, focused enough... Alas, I knew in my heart that it was the right thing to do and my husband agreed. I knew that the Lord would prove faithful once again and show us the way. So, we have been homeschooling since September. I have made so many great homeschooling friends and they have been a true blessing to our family. And now? There is more...

We are expecting #5. 

It seems that we've had a major life change every couple years for the last 10 years. It hasn't always been easy and I haven't always transitioned well or with a grateful heart; After learning to fully trust in Him, though, and know that He is always sovereign and He is always mighty, these transitions have become easier and easier as they go.

We are thrilled about #5, who is expected this spring. 

Please pray for us as our family transitions once again, during an especially busy season of life. We truly appreciate your prayers.

And, while we await #5's arrival...I hope to share some awesome recipes with you; my Costco faves (we JUST got a Costco store close by and it's my home away from home); some aromatherapy things I'm getting into and thoughts on homeschooling. :)

Happy time of Advent, friends. Hope you and your families are well. :)

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