Sunday, February 5, 2012

What's holding you back?

I've been hearing about this Beth Moore lady for quite a few years, but I never imagined the Lord would use one of her books to change my life. If you haven't read any of Beth Moore's books, pick one...any one. You won't be disappointed. I love reading, I really do, but I prefer books that are quick, conversational, and filled with wit and substance. Beth's books are like that. She has an amazing gift of writing and teaching. She's the kind of person you'd love to have coffee and scones with and call your friend. 

About the same time I was trying to make a break from Corporate America, a friend of mine was pouring over Beth Moore's books and her Bible studies. I decided to check them out and found that Praying God's Word: Breaking Free from Spiritual Strongholds looked like the perfect book for this girl who who has had stronghold after stronghold for what seems like forever (one of my strongholds has been FOOD, shown stage right there, though I didn't realize it). 

I didn't know what "spiritual bondage" or "spiritual strongholds" were, not to mention that I had a bundle of them. I didn't realize that things I saw as "personality quirks" were really strongholds keeping me from Christ - fear, pride, bitterness, food, and addiction to name a few. This book is packed full of scripture and kept leading me back to God's Word; it showed me how to overcome these things through deep-seated prayer and the Word - thus drawing me closer to Him and helping me trust Him more. I recommend this book to ALL women, Christian or not, new believer, seasoned believer, questioning believer.... It's an excellent read and I wouldn't hesitate to say that it changed my life. 

Here it is on Amazon.

If you read it, let me know what you think.  

1 comment:

  1. You are not alone in strongholds. Food is mine. It makes me crazy! I might have my Bible study girls read this book next. :). I love love love your new blog! Keep going with this! xo


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