Friday, June 1, 2012

Run, run, run!

I know my last post was about being a terrible baker and, I promise this isn't going to turn into a self-loathing please-throw-me-a-pity-fest-blog, but I'm a pretty terrible runner, too. I want to love to run and, maybe the fact that I'm super pregnant and looking forward to running after the baby gets here is a sign that this form of torture exercise is growing on me, but it's definitely not my workout of choice. It's hard to get into, hard to build up endurance, hard to make my short legs move quickly, hard to breathe through my jackknifed nasal passages, and hard to keep at it; In all honesty, I'd rather just do another easy workout for thirty-minutes a day and get it over with even if it's no longer effective because it's the same routine I've done for the last 2,389 workouts prior.

Nonetheless, my inner-fit-girl thinks it's fun(ny) to register for 5K races. So, we run ( We get the t-shirt. We promise we'll never do it again. And, we get sucked in and ultimately register again. Why, you ask? Why are you repeatedly doing something that's uncomfortable for you? Well, I'll tell you. It's good for me.

I compare running to the daily walk with Jesus. The day-to-day isn't always comfortable; sometimes we're in a position that we don't understand or that's difficult; and, sometimes, we just feel like doing the same old thing because it's safest and easiest. We fail to step out in faith when we're being called and we meander about in our own little comfort zones hoping for the best. Hopefully, we more often realize that challenges are good for us and will bring us closer to Him. All things we experience - comfortable or uncomfortable - are for the best when done for His glory! Stepping out in faith is an excellent exercise and should be practiced and built-upon all the time! And, it's good for me!

To put this picture in a nutshell... When I run, I am building strength, endurance, and improving my overall health. I am stepping out to do something that makes me uncomfortable, but is ultimately good for me. When we run full-speed with Jesus, no matter the hurdles, the outcome is like much like it is in running; He gives us strength, He gives us endurance, and we manifest a healthy relationship with Him.

If you need to take those first steps of faith today, friends, I'd love to pray for you on your journey! Send me a message or leave a comment below (so other readers can pray along) to let me know how to pray for you!


  1. Tess! I love this, it's like you could've taken all these words right out of my mouth ; )

    We should walk/run together sometime girl! Maybe we could help keep the motivational spirits up!

  2. Thanks, Syb! I will walk with you any time and I'll be up for running after this baby gets out!! It's a total pain for me at first, but a great way to get in shape; and much like us who have a heart for Jesus - it becomes something we're driven to do as long as we don't look away from the center!


Have something to share? I'd love to hear it!