Wednesday, July 11, 2012

PinFTW: Zucchini Brownies

My inner-SAHM is at it again! This time she forced me to take a wonderfully healthy, garden-fresh zucchini and turn it into a 9x13 pan of gluttony, aka frosted chocolate brownies. I absolutely love zucchini. I love it baked, fried, sauteed, in bread, muffins and, now, in brownies! I think it's one of the most versatile veggies and if you haven't tried it - you're totes missing out!! 
If you have tried it and don't like it - try it again! Do it! I'm sure someone with a garden would love to
force you to take some bless you with some, as zucchini handouts seem to be in abundance this time of year. 

So, given my love for zucchini, I was pretty stoked to see this zucchini brownie recipe floating around Pinterest. In fact, I may have re-pinned it on several occasions just to make sure I had it (my inner-SAHM was really persistent with this one!). Let me warn you before you get started... these brownies take a while. They are totally from scratch and you'll want to use a food processor to get your 2c of zucchini. Though my patience for baking is growing, I don't know that I'd be willing to stand and grate the required zucchini by hand (especially on the swollen ankles I'm currently sporting). You'll also want to wait for them to cool so you don't crumble them and end up making a out of them. ...Not that anything like that has ever happened to me. None of that should deter you from making them though, their score on the choco-meter makes them worth every dirtied measuring cup, spoon, bowl, and pan included in the process.

After all your hard work is done, you'll come out with a beautiful cake-like brownie frosted with smooth, chocolatey icing much like Texas Sheet Cake. They were SO delicious. I forced one on one of our pickier friends and it was very well received. This recipe also makes enough to share with friends and neighbors. So, if you've been looking for an opportunity to suck up to someone bless someone with random baked goods, here's your chance.

So, if you're looking for a brownie that's above the norm, be sure to check this one out.

PS. I substituted coconut oil (direct equivalent) for shortening in this recipe. I think it added to the overall deliciousness.

PPS. This post is linked up to Mommin' it Up's super awesome Pin for the Wednesdays blog carnival where all the cool kids hang out. Head over and check 'em out now to see all that's Pinteresting on the blogosphere this week!!


  1. That's a good way to use up the zuchinni!

  2. I reallllly need to try those! But I am too lazy to ever make them. They look amazing!


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