Friday, January 4, 2013

Some resolutions and clean cheesy quinoa dinner recipe!

You guys...I've been pretty rotten at blogging consistently lately. I'm sorry! One of my New Years resolutions is to blog more this year and maybe even vlog (my blogiversary is coming up - hooray! I'm going to try to arrange a giveaway to celebrate! Anyone want to help with that?). While we're talking about resolutions, another one of mine is to cook at home more. It's no secret, I love to eat at restaurants! I know restaurant kitchens are dirty; I know it can be more expensive (we try to take advantage of restaurant specials, kids' nights, etc.); and the food is generally not as good for you.'re not gonna change this girl's mind. I love restaurants. I love cheap restaurants and I love high-end sit down restaurants. There's something about ordering anything off the menu (especially things that I don't know how to cook). Not having to clean up afterwards is nice, too. Nonetheless, cooking at home often is the best way to be a good steward of time and money. And, as mom of our house that's my job! It's also a great way to show love to my family - making a healthy meal for their bellies that's cost-effective - and to teach my girls what their responsibilities will someday be as mommies. Besides, I do love to cook.

Last night we had some awesome chicken sausage; brown rice and sautéed veggies. Tonight, we tried this recipe I've been studying from Around the Table. Despite the fact that I'd never cooked quinoa before, let alone tried it, it was delicious! My husband was raving about it and the kids approved, too! I think my six-year-old even had seconds. This is packed full with all good stuff (protein-rich, fibrous quinoa), cheese, eggs, milk (I used skim), loads of veggies (I used a large skillet full), garlic and seasonings. Totally clean! See full recipe for all ingredients. I felt good about feeding this balanced meal to our family. Two of the kids had whole apples on the side also. :) So, there you have it. I give it an A+ and we'll be making it again. :) Now that I think of it...some of that chicken sausage would probably go great in this dish as well!

PS. I'm down 34 pounds in case you were wondering.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations being 34 pounds down! I can't wait until I am there too! About the recipe- did you just use the one straight off of the Around the Table? Is it a clean recipe? Megan


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